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Due Diligence Masterclass

The course equips you with a comprehension of the various concepts and practices in due diligence. In today’s world, principal decision-makers commit many blunders during the investment or acquisition of companies, assets, intangible assets, etc. Our course, thus, offers in-depth knowledge of the various steps involved in due diligence, thereby enabling the participants to handle complex situations in mergers and acquisitions, investments, and strategic tie-ups. By the end of this course, you would have acquired many critical due diligence skills and expertise required to achieve your organization’s objectives.


The course will provide a detailed explanation of the fundamental concepts of due diligence and how due diligence objectives accomplished in complicated scenarios. The course designed to ensure that complex concepts are delivered to participants in a simple way, thereby supporting them in remembering and applying these concepts in their current jobs and essential business decisions. By being a part of this course, you will be able to produce a cohesive due diligence methodology suitable for any investment or deal. You will also gain knowledge on how a due diligence process can be useful and how you can avoid the disaster.

Who should attend

Anyone who wants to enhance their expertise in due diligence or want to build a career should attend this course, which includes:

  • Investment or strategy professionals
  • Finance managers, business analysts, equity analysts, bankers, portfolio managers;
  • Finance directors, development directors, directors of strategy;
  • Functional/ department heads and decision-making professionals;
  • Financial professionals, such as CPAs and CFAs;
  • Business owners, entrepreneurs, investors, and consultants;
  • Corporate financiers, corporate planners, in-house lawyers, and company secretaries;
  • Any other professionals who want to upgrade their skills in due diligence.

Methodology & Trainer

Non-theoretical methodology, which includes interactive discussions, case studies, interactive games, and assignments to understand the concepts and their applicability.

We carefully choose all our trainers who possess rich and vast experience in the financial sector. The course will be conducted by an experienced training professional having more than 19 years of industry experience with some of the world’s leading financial institutions, specializing in corporate finance, investment banking, due diligence, company valuation, and asset valuation.

  • What is due diligence, when is it required, and why should it be conducted?
  • Importance of planning and control of due diligence
  • Phases of due diligence
  • Sources of due diligence data
  • Real-life examples of trade debacles that resulted from inefficient due diligence protocols
  • Financial and commercial due diligence
  • Employee/HR due diligence
  • Legal due diligence, contracts, leases and obligations
  • Fixed assets due diligence
  • Systems and IT due diligence
  • Environmental due diligence
  • The Phases of Due Diligence
  • Strategy, planning, and data analysis in due diligence
  • Verification, negotiation, and completion of due diligence
  • Post due diligence transactions and comfort letters
  • Developing the right team
  • Preparation of a checklist
  • Collection of information
  • Creation of Data room
  • Review of documents
  • Finalize reports and findings
  • Role of a data room in due diligence
  • Types of data rooms
  • Physical data room vs. virtual data room
  • What is the right team?
  • Composition of the team
  • Delegation of the role and responsibilities of financial experts, business analysts, and legal professionals in the due diligence team
  • How to collect the information?
  • What kinds of information should be collected?
  • How to analyze the company information?
  • Review of the company’s competitors and industry
  • Importance of planning in due diligence
  • Protocols for drafting a workable due diligence plan
  • Naming the essential actions, targets, and deliverables
  • Significance of continual assessment and assignment supervision
  • Different types of reports
  • How to organize your findings?
  • Prevent the usual snags in business report writing
  • Comprehending the components of an ideal due diligence report
  • Features and objectives of financial due diligence
  • Who should undertake financial due diligence?
  • How to manage critical information like purchase analyses, sales info, assets valuation, and acquisition audit
  • Accounting policies and conformation to prescribed standards and norms
  • Audited financial statements and analysis
  • Features and principles of commercial due diligence
  • Correlation between financial and commercial due diligence
  • Various areas to be covered
  • Business risks and other disadvantages
  • Analysis of employee demographics, employee terms and agreements, and HR company policies
  • Assessment of targets compensation structure and benefit plans
  • Determination of any complaints against KMP
  • Finalization of the list of employees in the core management team including the board of directors and key management executives
  • Review of transition challenges inhuman resources in M&A
  • Points to cover in legal, due diligence
  • Review of pending litigations and its financial implication
  • Adjustment of financial liabilities resulting from the litigations with valuation
  • Licenses and permissions including environmental permissions and its risk on the business
  • Key legal documents, such as incorporation, funding and loan documentation, contracts, and insurance and their financial implication and uncertainty on the business
  • Features and objectives of environmental due diligence
  • Principal players in environmental due diligence
  • Structure of environmental due diligence
  • Area to cover including terrestrial, aquatic, and atmospheric expulsions, contamination due to toxic waste disposal
  • Civil and criminal outcomes due to negligence
  • Listing and locating of company-owned assets
  • Classification of assets purchased on lease and assets given as collaterals
  • Valuation of asset-based classification
  • Impact of these on the business and transactions
  • Features and objectives of IT due diligence 
  • Who should take up IT due diligence?
  • Software and hardware platforms
  • Systems advancement and maintenance
  • Cloud computing & cybersecurity and its consequences
  • Possibility of deceptions and other disruptions
  • Assimilation of data and interpretation of results
  • Influence of due diligence on decision-making
  • Accomplishment of the recommendations made during due diligence
  • Incorporation of finding in keys documents
  • Successful assimilation of reports to crucial management
  • How to organize the startup DD
  • How startups DD is different
  • Things to focus on the DD
  • Review of IPs, products, team, market, financial and capitalization
  • How to plan the cost and time
  • Common mistakes
  • How to avoid such mistakes
  • Impact of mistakes


Course Event
  • Date : 20-22 November 2024
  • Venue : Jakarta
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