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Managing Corporate Treasury Risk

This interactive workshop course is apt for participants working in and with corporate treasuries and need to keep pace with developments in treasury risk management and technological advancements as well as growing pressures of regulatory, governance and compliance issues. It engages the participants in examining the challenges and issues of risk management and governance and drives forth the case that managing risks holistically with a proper risk culture and framework is imperative to the survival of the treasury entity as much as the corporate institution 


The corporate treasury function is no longer just dealing with the routine daily cash flows and working capital requirements of the entity. Over and above these traditional roles, the corporate treasurer as a value agent is now involved in strategic planning and striking winning relationships with banks and other agents in sourcing and applying funds as well as a proactive business partner with the business units within the enterprise. This enhanced and upgraded role of the corporate treasurer comes at a time when uncertainties pre-dominate not just the financial marketplace but also the way in which business activities are being reshaped with exponential technological advances. Intended to be edu-training, the course offers a pragmatic understanding of corporate treasury risk management with less quan-toxication and more qualitative rationalization. 

Upon completion of course, participants will be able to: 

  • take hold of increasingly new demands of the corporate treasury function in the wake of the Global Financial Crisis and technological advancements and attendant new risks (digitization, block chain, cryptocurrency evolution, cyber-security concerns)
  • Appreciate the challenges faced by the corporate treasury to provide a more strategic role to the other units in the organization and in building rapport with banking and capital market partners
  • Draw lessons from the financial crisis and other risk “mishaps” so to improve the risk management culture and discipline in the light of new regulatory, governance, compliance and technological pressures
  • Take a strategic role in addressing financial (interest rate, FX, equity and commodity) risks confronting the corporation 

Who should attend

All individuals who want to improve their value-adding effectiveness to the corporate treasury’s success and acquire mastery of sound risk management practices should attend this course 

  • CFOs, treasurers and Chief Accountants, head of business units, advisers and business consultants
  • Corporate relationship managers from financial institutions including banks, insurance and asset management companies
  • Non-finance professionals from sales, marketing, human resources, operations, investor relations, production, legal departments and technology professionals seeking an understanding of how corporate treasuries work  
  • Any other professional who is committed to the drive for better (and value add) corporate treasury risk management 


Non-theoretical methodology which includes interactive discussions, case studies, interactive games and assignments to understand the concepts and their applicability 


All our trainers are carefully chosen by us and possess a rich and vast experience in the financial sector. This course will be conducted by a renowned consultant having more than 35 years of experience in financial markets and training. Until recently, he served for many years as the Regional Director Singapore chapter and Global Board of the Professional Risk Managers International Association. 

  • The evolving role of the Corporate Treasurer – from transaction facilitator to leading strategist

  • Drivers of Change – globalization, centralization,, technology and regulatory/corporate governance concerns

  • Addressing dysfunctionalties in markets and asset valuation

  • Revisiting Functions and Responsibilities of the Treasury

  • Taking Control of the House – Assuming the roles once assumed by banks and responding to Open Banking solutions

  • Key elements of the Treasury model

  • Establishing the proper Treasury Culture

  • Tools and Skills of the Trade – and managing the different relationships with various stakeholders

  • The Treasury Management System – framework and structure appropriate for the institution

  • Laying down the Risk Policies and Procedures

  • Aligning the financial risks the company faces to match the risks it desires

  • Managing Interest Rate and Currency Risk Exposures

  • Plethora of treasury instruments – the simple and the complex

  • Derivatives – Deliverance or Destruction

  • How I learn to stop worrying and love the Option – A matter of faces

  • Market Practices and Operational Concerns

• Cash – how safe and what is enough?
• Practical insights into Working Capital Management
• Effecting cash forecasting, concentration and transfers
• Managing Bank Relationships

  • Valuation of treasury assets and liabilities – marked to market, marked to model…
  • Market, Liquidity, Counter-party and Operational Risks – how to consider them in union
  • Embracing digital technology and confronting cyber risks
  • Control Checks and Reviews – mitigating error and control lapses
  • Ensuring Continuity Planning
  • Losses and Fraud -how to deal with rogue traders and in-house crime perpetrators
  • A room for Outsourcing?- and managing Third Party Risks
  • Clearing and Collateral Management



Course Event
  • Date : 11-13 August 2025
  • Time : 9:00 am - 5:00 pm (Asia/Singapore)
  • Venue : Singapore
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