E-learning video production process

E-Learning Video Production Process

Video has become one of the most popular content formats on the web, and for a good reason. It’s easy to produce, it can be shareable across platforms, and it can be adapted to different types of audiences. This article will walk you through the e-learning video production process, from planning to completion.

Making Script

If you’re like most people, you probably think of making a video as something that happens after the fact. You shoot some footage, put it together in an editing suite, and call it a day. Butt here are better ways to go about things than this. You can make better videos by following a structured process from start to finish. Here’s how you can go about it

  1. Pick your purpose
    Before you start, you need to figure out what you’re trying to achieve with your video. Are you looking to create a promotional piece for your business? A tutorial for your audience? Or are you just trying to make something exciting and fun? Once you know this, you can start developing specific goals and objectives for your video.
  2. Storyboarding
    This is one of the essential steps in creating a successful video. With a storyboard, your video will be smooth and easy to follow. A storyboard is a series of sketches illustrating each scene in your video. This allows you to focus on getting the shot you want without worrying about the video’s flow.
  3. Plan your scenes
    Once you know what you’re aiming for, it’s time to start planning your scenes. This meansfiguring out what shots will work best and where they should go in the timeline. Onceeverything is sorted out, it’s time to begin filming!
  4. Edit and perfect your video
    Once you’ve filmed your scenes, it’s time to edit them together. This is where a lot of people need to correct things. They try to do too much at once and end up with a sloppy video that doesn’t look or feel professional. Instead, take your time and edit each scene individually until you have a final product that looks and feels great.
  5. Share your masterpiece!
    Now it’s time to share your video with the world! Following these tips outlined in this article, you should have a great video ready to be shared online. And remember: always aim to be creative and produce something unique and exciting. That way, your audience will love watching it!


Video production is a process that often starts with pre-production, which involves planning and organizing the video project. This process can involve a lot of different steps, from developing ideas to finding suitable filming locations. One of the most important aspects of pre-production is coming up with a clear plan. This includes figuring out what the video will be about, who will be in it, and what message you want to send. Once you have a good understanding of what you’re trying to create, you can look for potential filming locations and interviewees.
Once you have your footage, it’s time to start editing. This involves cutting together all the different pieces of footage into a cohesive whole and balancing the different elements to produce a cohesive video. Sometimes this means deciding which footage to use and how to use it, while other times, it requires creative editing choices.
Finally, it’s time to produce the final product. This involves adding graphics, music, and sound effects and creating a final mix for the presentation. Depending on the type of video you’re producing, this process may involve additional steps such as copyrighting or marketing.


There are two types of shooting for eLearning video production: live and pre-recorded. Live shooting is usually the preferred method for capturing footage for eLearning videos because it allows participants to interact and respond to stimuli in a real-time setting. This can be beneficial because it allows learners to learn more effectively by experiencing what they are learning firsthand. Pre-recorded shooting, on the other hand, can be more efficient if you need to conserve time or money. With pre-recorded footage, you can record a session as it occurs and then edit it later. This type of shooting is typically used when there is not enough time and budget to stage a live session or when the goal is to create a more polished final product.

Regardless of the shooting method, some basic steps must be followed to produce high-quality e-Learning videos. These steps include planning, scouting locations, setting up equipment, and filming/editing the footage. When planning eLearning video production, it is essential to consider what content will be included and how best to present it. Once this information has been determined, scouting locations can begin. This

Post Production

The post-production process for e-learning video productions can be broken down into five main areas: content acquisition, editing, animation, sound design, and delivery. Each area has specific tasks and procedures that must be followed to produce a high-quality final product. Content Acquisition The first step in any video production is acquiring the necessary content.

This can involve searching for existing footage or creating new material based on the project’s specific needs. Once the desired material has been gathered, it must be reviewed and edited into a cohesive piece. To create an engaging and entertaining video, it is important to include accurate and compelling narration and appropriate graphics and audio effects.


Once the content has been assembled, it must be edited into a cohesive piece. This involves cutting unnecessary footage, adjusting camera angles, and adding sound effects and narration. It is essential to keep in mind the overall goal of the video when making these adjustments so that it flows smoothly and is viewer friendly.


Animation can be used to create an exciting and visually appealing video without having to rely on graphic elements alone.

Sound Design

Sound design can add extra depth and realism to the video. It can add atmosphere, create suspense, or make the video more entertaining


Once the editing is complete, it is time to deliver the finished product. This can involve uploading the video to a web server, distributing it via email, or posting it on a website. Overall, the post-production process for e-learning video productions can be time-consuming and complex. However, careful planning and execution can result in a high-quality product that is viewer-friendly and informative
