Financial Statements

Financial statements to analyse a company’s performance

The Finance course in Singapore is designed to help you understand the basics of finance, accounting and banking.

You will learn how to use financial statements to analyse a company’s performance and how employees can make better decisions on their job.

This course also helps you develop critical thinking skills that are important in a variety of careers. You will also gain an understanding of how businesses work and why they make certain decisions.

After completing this course you should be able to:

Understand the main concepts of finance, accounting and banking

Understand how businesses use financial information to make decisions

Finance is a broad subject that involves the study of how money is created, managed and distributed. Finance covers everything from government budgets to corporate financing to personal banking.

With a finance degree, you can pursue careers in fields such as investment banking and securities trading.

Finance Courses in Singapore

Finance courses are available in different formats across Singapore. You can choose an online course or attend a classroom-based program that meets at scheduled times each week. Some schools offer both options while others only offer one format or another.

You can choose from programs that are designed for working professionals as well as those who are looking for a career change and want to enter the field of finance.

Finance Courses Offerings in Singapore

Most finance courses offered in Singapore include:

Financial Accounting: An introduction to accounting principles and practices used by businesses and individuals; includes double-entry bookkeeping, accrual accounting, financial statement preparation, budgeting and forecasting, cost accounting and taxes.

Fundamentals of Financial Management: Covers topics such as financial planning; risk management; capital budgeting; working capital management; financial markets; international business finance; mergers and acquisitions (M&As); security valuation.

We are pleased to announce that our finance course Singapore is now available for registration. This course covers topics of interest to all participants, ranging from practitioners to students, who want to learn about the basics of finance.

The course is designed by experts with extensive experience in the field of finance and will help you develop a better understanding of the subject matter. You will be exposed to a range of topics including financial markets, corporate finance, investment management and financial institutions.

Our finance course Singapore aims at helping you develop a broad perspective of the subject by providing an introduction to basic concepts and principles. You will also learn how these concepts are applied in practice through various examples and case studies provided throughout the course material.

We hope you enjoy this program and gain valuable knowledge on this topic!

The Finance Course Singapore is a well-established and popular qualification providing the essential skills and knowledge required to succeed in finance related careers. The course offers the opportunity to study a range of modules including Financial Accounting, Business Maths and Economics.

The Finance Course is delivered by our highly experienced tutors who are all qualified professionals within the finance industry. They provide you with practical insights into the financial world, which you can use to develop your own career as well as furthering your academic studies.

A Level Finance is a challenging subject but also rewarding as it offers you an insight into an exciting and ever changing career area with many opportunities for progression.

If you enjoy working with numbers, have good analytical skills and enjoy problem solving then A Level Finance will be a rewarding option for you.

Finance is a broad subject, and the finance courses Singapore that you can choose from are many. There are finance degrees available, but if you’re looking for a more general understanding of the subject, then you should consider taking one of these finance courses in Singapore.

The most popular finance course Singapore is the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) exam. This qualification is open to anyone who holds at least a bachelor’s degree in any area of study. The CFA requires four years of study, and includes three levels of exams with each level requiring passing scores on three exams before moving on to the next level. There is also an ethics section which must be completed before taking any other part of the program.

The Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) program was designed by the CFA Institute based in New York City. It was created in 1952 by a group of investors who wanted to create standards for those working in financial services or as stock analysts or portfolio managers. Today there are over 100,000 members worldwide who have earned their CFA designation.
