Financial Education Courses

Financial Education Courses

What is Financial Education and Financial Education Courses?

Financial education also known as financial literacy is referred to as the ability to understand and effectively use the various financial skills which include; budgeting, personal financial management, and investing. Financial literacy is known as the basic foundation of your relationship with money, and it is also a lifelong journey of learning. It is used to know how to utilize money effectively or the ability one has to manage money without loss or cases. Outcomes of not being able to manage money well turn out to be a bitter ones. These are courses aimed at educating learners on simple concepts of financial literacy and personal finance. Therefore, the financial education course is very important to achieve financial literacy.

Courses in financial education:

Financial Education

The courses in financial education includes;

  1. Personal Financial Management course: This is a personal financial management basic course launch in collaboration between NSE Academy and Maharashtra Knowledge Corporation Ltd. (MKCL). The course aimed to educate learners on simple concepts of personal finance and covers simple language topics which include; savings & investment avenues, income, taxation, expenditure, borrowing, managing risk, budgeting etc. The course comprises 14 modules of approximately 60 minutes (1 hour) each.
  2. The Core Four of Personal Finance: This is a financial education course available at Udemy. The basics of this course focus on managing your debt, reducing your expenses, financing a home, retiring, and everything in between. The course comprises 18 lectures of approximately 60 minutes (1 hour)
  3. Personal Finance 101: This is a financial education course for beginners available at Udemy. The course encompasses all related topics from credit to taxes to various issues such as going to college, buying a house, or getting married. The course comprises 53 lectures of approximately 3 hours
  4. Personal and Family Financial Planning: This is a financial education course available at Coursera and Created by the University of Florida. The course is Free without certification and available for people of any age who are at any point in their career. In addition to the basics, the course will cover topics on investing, managing risk, and building your own personal financial plan. The Course Length is approximately 9 weeks
  5. Personal Finance Planning: This is a financial education course available at edX and operates as the name implies. This class is for everyone ready to plan their personal finance. The Course Length is approximately 5 weeks and 3-4 hours per week
  6. Finance for Everyone: This is a Smart Tools for Decision-Making and this financial education course is available at edX. It will cover topics in smart decisions making when looking at your money situation, both as a professional and as an individual. The Course Length is approximately 6 weeks and 5-6 hours per weekFinancial education courses
  7. Financial Literacy: This is a financial education course available at ALISON and it is more than just knowing what to do with your money but also understanding what it is, how it works, and what it means for your personal and professional life. This interactive class will help you set up your accounts, budget, and work with taxes and government benefits. The Course Length is approximately 6-10 hours.
  8. Introduction to Managing Your Personal Finance Debts: This is a financial education course available at ALISON. This course is available for those to which debt is their biggest worry. This course will teach you how to set up a debt spreadsheet, how to contact credit card companies, how to prioritize your debts, etc. The Course Length is approximately 1 hour.
  9. Introduction to Simple and Compound Interest: This is a financial education course available at ALISON. The major focus of this course is on what simple and compound interest means for your loans. The Course Length is approximately 1-2 hours
  10. My Financial Mountain: This course entails Understanding Your Path to a Solid Financial Foundation and is available at Skillshare. No matter what your situation is at the moment, this class will put you on a realistic and effective path toward financial stability in just seven steps. The course comprises 13 videos and approximately 24 minutes
  11. Personal Finance: This is a financial education course available at Missouri State University on iTunes. This course is available for those who want personal finance tips on the go. All you need is to Download this course on your iPhone and bring knowledge with you wherever your money takes you. The course comprises 8 videos.
  12. Personal Taxes: This is a financial education course available at Khanacademy. The course is available for those who are confused about why their paycheck feels so low. The course provides a guide to government taxes and calculating take-home pay. The course comprises 10 lectures.
