Types of Due Diligence

6 Types of Due Diligence in the M&A

The term “due diligence” gets thrown around in the business world, especially regarding mergers and acquisitions (M&A). But what does it mean? Due diligence is investigating a potential investment or business partner to determine whether or not it’s a good fit. This investigation can take many forms, depending on the type of business transaction being considered. In the context of M&A, buyers typically conduct six types of due diligence: financial, legal, operational, IT, environmental, and HR. This blog post will explore each of these in more detail

1) Financial due diligence

A few key areas should be investigated when conducting financial due diligence as part of an M&A transaction. These include:

  1. Financial statements and records
    The first step is to review the financial statements and records of the target company. This will give you an understanding of their financial health and performance. It is also essential to assess the accounting methods used by the company, as this can impact the accuracy of the financial statements.
  2. Tax Compliance
    It is also crucial to ensure that the target company complies with all tax laws and regulations. This due diligence process will help identify potential tax liabilities that could impact the company’s value.
  3. Funding sources
    Another critical area of focus is understanding the target company’s funding sources. This includes reviewing their debt financing, equity financing, and other sources of capital. This information will help you assess the company’s financial risk and ability to service its debt obligations.

2) Legal due diligence

  1. Legal, due diligence: This is the essential type of due diligence in an M & transaction. The legal, due diligence process is designed to uncover any legal risks or liabilities associated with the target company. The goal is to minimize potential risks and liabilities to impact the deal.
  2. Financial due diligence: As its name suggests, financial due diligence is all about assessing the financial health of the target company. This includes reviewing the company’s financial statements and analyzing its historical performance and current position.
  3. Operational due diligence: This type of due diligence focuses on assessing the operational capabilities of the target company. This includes a review of the company’s manufacturing processes, quality control procedures, distribution channels, and so on.
  4. Commercial due diligence: Commercial due diligence is concerned with assessing the market opportunity for the target company’s products or services. This includes a review of the competitive landscape, customer demand, and so on.
  5. IT due diligence: In many cases, IT due diligence is conducted as part of operational due diligence (above). However, in some cases, it may be conducted separately. IT due diligence assesses the target company’s IT infrastructure and systems, including its security posture, compliance with industry regulations, and so on.

3) M&A tax due diligence

M&A tax due diligence is a process whereby a company’s potential buyer assesses the acquisition’s tax implications. The key objective of M&A tax due diligence is to identify and quantify the target company’s potential tax liabilities and exposures to negotiate a price that reflects the actual value of the business.

M&A tax due diligence typically includes a review of the following areas:

  1. Tax structure: The tax structure of the target company should be reviewed to determine if it is optimal for an acquisition. This includes reviewing the corporate structure, holding companies, joint ventures, and partnerships.
  2. Tax compliance: All tax filings should be reviewed to ensure that they are accurate and up to date. This includes corporate income tax, VAT/sales tax, payroll taxes, and property taxes.
  3. Transfer pricing: A review of the transfer pricing policies should be conducted to ensure that they comply with applicable laws and regulations. This includes identifying related party transactions and assessing whether or not they are at arm’s length prices.
  4. Tax incentives: A review of all applicable tax incentives should be conducted to determine if the target company is taking advantage of all available opportunities. This includes research and development credits, export incentives, investment allowances, and other government programs.
  5. Tax audits: A review of all outstanding tax audits should be conducted to determine the risk exposure of the target company. This includes federal, state

4) Operational due diligence

Operational due diligence is investigating a target company’s business operations to identify and assess potential risks. The goal is to understand how the target company operates, what drives its revenue and profitability, and what risks could impact its ability to generate value in the future.

A team of specialists with expertise in the relevant business functions, such as manufacturing, supply chain, distribution, sales, marketing, product development, finance, and human resources, typically conducts operational due diligence. The team will review historical financial statements and other data to understand the target company’s financial performance. They will also interview key personnel to learn about the company’s strategy, competitive landscape, customer relationships, technology platform, and other factors that could impact its future success.

Based on their findings, the operational due diligence team will provide a report that assesses the target company’s risks and opportunities. The buyer will use this information to negotiate a purchase price that reflects the actual value of the business.

5) Intellectual Property due diligence

Intellectual property (IP) due diligence is critical in any merger or acquisition (M&A) transaction. This due diligence investigates a target company’s IP assets and liabilities, including patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets. IP due diligence aims to identify any potential risks or problems associated with the target company’s IP portfolio.

IP due diligence typically begins with a review of the target company’s public filings, such as its annual report and 10-K. These filings can provide valuable information about the company’s IP assets, such as how many patents it holds, what types of patents it has, and where its patents are registered. The due diligence team will also review the target company’s website and other marketing materials to understand how it uses and protects its IP.

Next, the team will interview key members of the target company’s management team, including the CEO, CFO, and general counsel. These interviews will help identify potential risks or problems associated with the company’s IP portfolio. For example, the team may learn that the target company needs to be more diligent in enforcing its patents or receiving cease-and-desist letters from competitors.

After reviewing the target company’s IP assets and liabilities, the due diligence team will recommend to the buyer whether or not to proceed with the transaction. If there are significant risks associated with the target company’s IP portfolio, the

6) Commercial due diligence

Due diligence is a critical component of the M&A process. It allows buyers to assess the target company’s financial health and identify any potential risks. Commercial due diligence is focused on the target company’s commercial activities, such as sales, marketing, and product development. This due diligence can help buyers understand the target company’s business model and assess its competitive position in the market.

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Due Diligence Masterclass FAQ

How do I learn due diligence?

Learn due diligence with free online masterclasses and courses.

What is due diligence in M&A?

Due diligence in M&A involves assessing risks and opportunities, a key course.

How do I get better at due diligence?

Enhance due diligence skills with practice and specialized, free courses.

Is due diligence a hard skill?

Due diligence is a crucial hard skill in investment assessment.

Is due diligence a good career?

Due diligence offers a promising career path with strong demand in financial due diligence.

What is the main purpose of due diligence?

The primary purpose of due diligence is to assess risks for sound investment decisions.

What are the key roles in due diligence?

Key roles in due diligence include analysts, legal experts, and financial professionals in customer due diligence.

What are the benefits of due diligence?

Benefits encompass risk mitigation, informed decisions, and financial security in certified due diligence professional training.

How to do due diligence for a business?

Conduct business due diligence by analyzing financials, legal aspects, and operations, a critical aspect of financial due diligence.

What skills are required for due diligence?

Necessary skills for due diligence: Analytical, financial, legal, and investigative.
